Saturday, July 29, 2006

My Sister

Picked up today at Centennial airport my sister who came from Iloilo. On Monday she's leaving again for Georgia where she works as RN for the University Hospital. The last time we saw each other was when she came home 2 years ago, upon the request of our frail father who knew he wouldn't see her again, at least until he expired. Three weeks ago she came back to an undeniably different home, perhaps expecting a familiar greet, a sturdy frame and a fatherly smile. I could just imagine how her heart sank as she dragged herself, slowly, sadly, for the first time towards our father's tomb. There his body lay, motionless, voiceless and surely lifeless inside the cold steely box, unaware that my sister has come back wanting to see him but could not. As always, it's good to be spiritual. Surely, he smiles now that my sis is back with her paternal family. Now that she's coming back to the US, our paryers for him will come from different parts of the globe.

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