Sunday, April 08, 2007

Finally, the actual TV ad

The first time it was shown, all I heard was excited screaming in the house. I missed the sound of the jingle and half of the 30-seconder Alpo ad during "ASAP's" commercial break. Next, I waited on "S-Files" and there, I saw the longest (2 seconds?) frame-to-fame of "Murder", our birdie killer cat (it's where he got his name. His second victim by the way, was a neighbor's rabbit, slightly moving when he brought it home, his teeth still clinging to its neck!) Well, on this commercial, at least "Bundi", the dog, was able to finish his role. The end tag of this TV ad should have been:"No animal has been harmed by a cat during the filming of this commercial." Seriously, this TV ad is cute and has a universal appeal. Here goes the ad (blame my Nokia 6111 for the low res video).


DzooDzie said...

Ay! Wala akong masabi kay Murder. But the word "siopao" still comes to mind. Hahahaha! Kidding...

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.