I'm supposed to be in school this evening. I have more reasons to be there than home, and than anybody else, perhaps. First, because this is my last workless Saturday, and the suceeding Saturdays hereafter will be busier-- my first day of work is on Monday. Second, it's the CMC alumni get-together homecoming, dubbed "Tawag Ka ni Aling Suming"-- our retired trusty CMC manang who knows every detail of our requirements (I went back 7 years after AWOL and she can still recall my name and my incomplete Thesis!) Some of my batchmates in the mid 90s might be coming over and it would be a good time hanging around with them. Besides, our org, UP Journ Club, has a presentation to make (I just can't imagine me cheering on the side of the students rather than with my "real batchmates"). It would have been very amusing and nostalgic. But here I am, over powered by laziness, or perhaps sleepiness. I slept almost the whole day, watched TV in between slumbers and deeply pondered what might be the nicest place to unwind tonight. Yeah, I'm free tonight, and coffee and beer are more inviting than the CMC alumni homecoming.
Smart has been reminding me via SMS to pay my overdues, otherwise my outgoing call will be redirected. What can I do, they'd been texting me for a week now and my account is still active, hehe. Don't worry Mr. Pangilinan, I'll be paying you soonest! Is another week okay? Sige na, or I'll switch to Sun, haha!
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