It's been a while. Time swept me by and here I am-- bigger, bolder, balder-- and about to be married. My girlfriend for 14 years and 11 months has finally agreed that we settle down. Not because her fine taste for what is creative and beautiful has deteriorated. They say man as he grows older gets more valuable, and she grew wiser, too. That's what I believe, at least.
Force majeure and some touch of Divine intervention prompted us to terminate our single blessedness. Recurring myoma, which can ease up during pregnancy, but will eventually come back, was a major factor. I had been blamed for not doing it earlier and I guess they were justified. The period of contemplation as to when and how wasn't long. We were about to hear the next Sunday mass when a priest approached us and as if possessing divine clairvoyance, announced "you shall get married soon!". Not exactly his words, but the instance we talked to this priest we immediately had this gut feel he will officiate our exchange of solemn vows before the Lord.
To cut the long story short, this scholar priest of the Salesians of Don Bosco postponed his trip to Vatican and visit to his parents just to be our Ninong and at thesame time our wedding mass celebrator. Twenty seven days to go and this giddyness will finally be over.